Next Osteoporosis Screening Day, Sat 20th May 2017

Norwich Osteopathic Clinic is holding another of our popular osteoporosis screening days, on Sat 20th May. 

The service is open to all.

A registered radiologist will use a DEXA scanner to accurately measure bone density.  You will receive printed results, and have them explained to you. Those shown to be at risk will be asked to consult their GP with a view to starting early treatment for fracture prevention.  Appointments are £40, and take 30 minutes. 

Who should have a DEXA scan......?   In addition to age, the other major risk factor is declining hormone levels.  This includes women with low oestrogen levels as a result of early menopause or hysterectomy, or men with low testosterone levels as a result of testicular problems.  There is a hereditary risk for people with a family history of osteoporosis.  And there are other more modifiable risk factors which include people on long-term oral corticosteroids (including asthma inhalers), smoking, high alcohol intake, and low physical inactivity, especially in those with a low body weight.  If you are over 50 and have one or more of these risk factors you should probably get your bone health checked.

Posted on February 9, 2017 .